[kde-edu]: Edubuntu & kde-edu

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Fri May 18 19:22:39 CEST 2007

A Divendres 18 Maig 2007, Agustin Benito va escriure:
> Hi,
> since Edubuntu guys told me that they were making a survey of edu contens
> and apps, and since no one from kde-edu was at UDS I wanted to make sure
> they do not forget to include or study any of kde apps. That is what I was
> worry about in UDS and that is why I sent the e-mail from Edubuntu list to
> kde-edu list. I didn't know that Anne Marie was already in Edubuntu mailing
> list.
> Edubuntu guys made me clear that having kde (I remind you mEDUXa is a
> kde-based distro) is not a barrier for collaborating between both projects.
> That point of view is what made me send the e-mail. Of course I might be
> wrong but I want to make clear that I have no other objetive that make
> kde-edu popular and spread it as much as posible.
> I think a direct contact with edubuntu to know what they want and their
> roadmap would be nice, to see if they really count with kde-edu. aKademy
> could be a good place for that although a simple IRC conversation is also a
> solution. Edubuntu is a growing project and I'm sure we can find a way of
> conneting each other. It would only take one or two hours of chatting.
> We can also do that with Guadalinex (an Ubuntu based edu distro). They have
> 160,000 computers in schools in Andalucía (a million students) and kde-edu
> is not on it. You can do the same with them

So they are doing a sucky distribution (by not including kde-edu) and it is we 
who have to contact them? Shouldn't they be doing their work and including 
relevant apps?


> bye

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