[kde-edu]: Step and Summer of Code ?

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at gmx.de
Thu Mar 15 14:58:45 CET 2007

Am Donnerstag, 15. März 2007 14:22 schrieb Vladimir Kuznetsov:
> Hello All !
> I'm thinking about applying Step as a project for Summer of Code


> StepCore (simulation):
> - collision detection with friction (I hope this will be ready before
> summer) - movement restrictions (joints) (it can be ready too)
> - global error estimation
> - molecular dynamics (2d gas)
> - soft bodies and massive springs

Mmh, I think it is easier for everybody to decide if you would add your 
suggestion here:


Of course, that page is for mentors suggesting SoCs not for students :-) But 
still I find that structure+layout much easier to read...

The only issue I have is that we had a very similar project last year which 
didn't succeed. Of course, Step is already much more mature and already 
works. Its GUI sucks and all that but I already really like Step and will 
probably show it around in my school soon.

Personally, I like "molecular dynamics (2d gas)" most and also suggest (well, 
that is basically the same!) Brownian motion.

Good screenies:


As a chemistry teacher both (2d and 3d, 2d more important) would be very nice 
to have!!

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