[kde-edu]: Step and Summer of Code ?
Vladimir Kuznetsov
ks.vladimir at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 14:22:28 CET 2007
Hello All !
I'm thinking about applying Step as a project for Summer of Code: it will allow
me to spend a lot more time working on it. Currently I have part-time job and
my studies but in summer I have to work full-time. Summer of Code can allow me
to leave my job for the whole summer and concentrate on Step
development (and may
be even more, for example I'm dreaming about attending some live KDE
event which for
now I simply can't afford).
I have a big TODO list in SVN (
http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/edu/step/TODO?view=markup ).
For Summer of Code I can choice something from it, for example:
StepCore (simulation):
- collision detection with friction (I hope this will be ready before summer)
- movement restrictions (joints) (it can be ready too)
- global error estimation
- molecular dynamics (2d gas)
- soft bodies and massive springs
Step (GUI):
- threading (do calculations in separate thread)
- user-editable notes in experiment
- units for all quantities, unit conversions
- sidebar with nice descriptions for all bodies and its parameters
(main properties, physical laws about it, real-world examples, ...)
- custom graphics for various quantities (for example v(t) or v(x) - user
can select what exactly to plot).
- custom controllers to interactively control body parameters during simulation
(for example user can add slider to control mass of the body and even assign
hotkeys to it).
- knewstuff for sharing experiments
- tutorials (series of experiments with explanations)
With this features implemented Step will become quite more useful than
now and (I hope)
will be certainly ready to be included in KDE. If you think I've
forget something,
please tell !
What do you think about it ?
Does somebody willing to be my mentor ? It won't be boring ;-) I'll
have a lot of questions
when I'll start doing more advanced GUI staff in which I'm not expert
at all (of course
I've already received a lot of help and support from many of you,
thanks a lot for it!).
P.S. Of course I'll continue to work on Step regardless of Summer of
Code, I really enjoy
it and I'll not abandon it so easily ;-)
Best Regards,
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