[kde-edu]: Vocabulary file formats

Pino Toscano toscano.pino at tiscali.it
Fri Mar 2 17:07:25 CET 2007

Alle 00:04, giovedì 22 febbraio 2007, Peter Hedlund ha scritto:
> 1. kvtml, our own current vocabulary format.
> 2. wql, a format used by WordQuiz for Windows
> 3. voc, a format from http://www.vokabeln.de (only version 1 files)
> 4. xm.gz, pau.gz, a compressed xml format used by Pauker
> (http://pauker.sf.net), a cross-platform Java application
> 5. csv, delimited text

From a quick Google search, it seems that supporting those formats should 
cover a good percentage of users.

> Write support will be available for kvtml and csv.


> Now is the time to suggest support for any other file format not listed.

I'm not really expert about those kind of file formats, so I just trust your 
decision here ;)

Btw, I saw that in both KWordQuiz and KVoctrain the supported formats (names 
and extensions) are hardcoded, may I go with a patch for having them 
dynamically provided by the kdeeducore library? This way adding or removing 
new formats won't require adapting the applications.

Pino Toscano
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