[kde-edu]: KTurtle bug?

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Sat Dec 29 02:15:10 CET 2007

Le Friday 28 December 2007 08:09:26 pm Anne-Marie Mahfouf, vous avez écrit :
> Le Friday 28 December 2007 01:45:37 pm Orestes Mas, vous avez écrit :
> > When translating KTurtle (kde4 HEAD) to catalan, I've noticed that
> > message #46 of kturtle.po is about "exit" command, but this command
> > doesn't appear in /data/kdeedu/kturtle/logokeywords.ca.xml. Maybe it's a
> > bug that should be corrected, and perhaps affects other languages...
> Hi Orestes,
> The .xml files for KTurtle are obsolete and exit is maybe a new keyword.
> We'll clean the .xml files! Albert?
Disregard this,
Mauricio answered that one!
> Only translate the kturtle.po which now has the commands in it.
> As for the alias, if it's not in English I don't see how you can add it in
> Catalan. Mauricio?
Disregard this,
You already answered, thanks!!!
> Thanks for your report Orestes, translators often notice bugs and cannot
> take time to report them as they are busy!

Best regards,


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