[kde-edu]: Marble 0.5: The Road ahead

RalfGesellensetter rgx at gmx.de
Wed Aug 22 18:38:26 CEST 2007

Dear Torsten,

gratulations for the 0.4 release of marble, a project I am following 
from its very first minute (more or less). I compiled the SVN version 
few weeks ago and am very pleased with the state of the project.

Am Montag 20 August 2007 10:52 schrieb Torsten Rahn:
> * Flat Map:
> There are three visible bugs in the implementation right now. I'm
> pretty sure all of them can be fixed within the next week. Except for
> that further cleaning up and performance optimizations are needed.

Is this something like an azimuthal projection? Anyway, this reminds me 
to the gorgeous feature "blind map" which I use during Geography 
lessons. Here, I still have the desire to hides labels (while still 
displaying places), maybe customizing font or label settings (use a 
font that has only capital letters + underscores; only display first N 
letters of any place, create an enumeration of given places 
(separateley) and display numbers instead of place names).

Some of these should be easy to handle (differentiate the tree of 
displayable object), others, like custom font settings, might conflict 
with caching and speed optimization.

Kind regards

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