[kde-edu]: kig: Latex-Export

Pino Toscano toscano.pino at tiscali.it
Mon Mar 6 00:05:58 CET 2006

Alle 23:38, domenica 5 marzo 2006, Claus Behl ha scritto:
> Pino Toscano schrieb:
> >If I recall correctly, I didn't use that command (I'm aware of it) because
> > I can move the grid only of integer multiples of given values for x and
> > y.
> Thats right. Wouldnt that be a reason for integers in the coordinates?:-)

Well, I would prefer using double coordinates, as working only with integer 
would not result so precise...

> >Wow, another graphics package for tex... ;)
> >Actually the Kig Latex exporter uses pstrick (as you would have noticed),
> > and another package that came in my mind to use could be also pgf. I'll
> > find more info about the package you're citing.
> >
> >Regards,
> pst-eucl is an extension to pstricks.  To set a point like
> \psdots[linecolor=black,dotscale=1,dotstyle=*](2.81642,5.42985)
> with pst-eucl would be:
> \pstGeonode[PointSymbol=*](2.81642,5.42985){A}
> And now the point A can be used in other commands to draw lines etc.
> There are Macros to draw Intersections of lines, circles, functions.
> Quiet powerful, and maybe a good tool which fits in the concept of kig.

It seems powerful, I'll take a look into it, and I'll see what I can do (but I 
don't make any promise for it...).

> Hm, i would very like to have the equivalence of 1unit to 1cm. I just
> took a short look in latexexporter.cc
> Can you give me a hint what i have to change to get this.

That's simply:
open filters/latexexporter.cc, and around lines 494-502 there are the lines 
about the calculation of the unit. Keep in mind that it's used in the 
exporter to scale the lengths accordingly.


Pino Toscano
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