[kde-edu]: CMakeLists.txt for a library

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Sat Jul 15 05:09:16 CEST 2006

On Friday 14 July 2006 19:31, Jason Harris wrote:
> The problem is, if I run "make" in the build dir for this library, nothing
> happens.  Any idea what I've done wrong?
Ah, nevermind...nothing happens because the lib is already built.  I was 
confused because it gets placed in kdeedu/lib/libSatLib.so

However, I am getting udefined reference errors when trying to link kstars 
(referring to functions in libSatLib.so).  My kstars/kstars/CMakeLists.txt 
file contains the following:

target_link_libraries(kstars ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} kdeeduplot kdeeduui extdate 
kdeprint knewstuff SatLib m z )

I thought that having "SatLib" there meant that it would link libSatLib.so.  
Is there something else missing?

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