[kde-edu]: educational sequence

Chaba Gryphon chabagryphon at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 21:29:06 CET 2006

Hello guys,

My name is Chaba Gryphon. I came across the KDE environment by
accident, through some search I conducted for my company. (I needed to
find an open source environment and related software, and I ended up
with FreeBSD and the KDE environment.)

Anyway,... As I delved deeper into what I found I came across this
edutainment project, and since I'm involved in education on a local
level, I got interested.

I would like to offer a map to you guys, or more specifically a
development sequence, which will be needed to plan out a preschool and
K-8 program. This would provide a guide as to what kinds of things
should be taught and at what level. People could design, build and
develop programs to this. This would prevent creation of a
hodge-podge, and would provide a clear road map.

I didn't come up with this sequence... It was developed by the Core
Knowledge Foundation in the US, which is an educational foundation,
that researches and develops research-based curriculum.

If you guys are interested, let me know, and I will send you guys the
sequence. It is in printed form, and I only have one copy to give, but
you may order more, from the foundation:



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