[kde-edu]: Starting work in KDE4

Carsten Niehaus CNiehaus at gmx.de
Sat Apr 22 18:07:41 CEST 2006

This is my way:

I have two users: "carsten" and "kde4". Of course, all kde4-related things
are done as "kde4". I log in as carsten but "su - kde4" to that user and
start coding. I have my XOrg configured in a way that the user kde4 can run
a x-app in 'carsten's xserver (xhost + for example does the job).
In 'kde4's .bashrc I export things like QTDIR. I have kdelibs_snapshot,
kdebase, kdeedu and qt-copy, all from /trunk/ checked out for that user
(including commit-rights).

./kalzium starts a kde4-Kalzium on the xserver without any problems...

Doing the same with only one useraccount is *much much* harder... My setup
takes only about 5 minutes to set up (plus compiling qt+kde, of course).


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