[kde-edu]: (no subject)

Maurizio Paolini paolini at dmf.unicatt.it
Wed Sep 28 19:19:45 CEST 2005

Let me add a couple of notes:

1. Perhaps you should also extend the PATH variable to include
$KDEDIR/bin and $QTDIR/bin

2. Instead of usind the trunk/KDE/kdelibs repository it seems
advisable to use the "branches/work/kdelibs4"

3. It is no longer possible to use "make" for compilation
of kde4 modules; you must download "unsermake" from
trunk/kdenonbeta/unsermake.  It is a python script which
you should copy somewhere reachable from your PATH.

... not everything is working right now, but it seems that
things are improving fast!


On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 10:09:27AM -0700, Jason Harris wrote:
> Hi Trenton,
> You will at least need Qt4 and kdelibs from trunk ("HEAD" is a cvs term).
> You do not have to work in the kde4 desktop.  However, there are some things 
> to keep in mind:
> 1. You should obviously not install Qt4 and kdelibs4 over your existing KDE 
> installation.  I installed my 4 stuff in "/home/jharris/qt4" and 
> "/home/jharris/kde4".
> 2. Once you have installed Qt4 and kdelibs-4, before you try compiling 
> something from trunk, you have to set some environment variables.  I suggest 
> you pick a konsole window to work in and enter the following (which will 
> leave the rest of your running KDE3 session intact):
> % export QTDIR=/home/jharris/qt4
> % export KDEDIR=/home/jharris/kde4
> % export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:$KDEDIR/lib
> 3. If you run a kde4 application from your kde3 session, you'll note that 
> kdeinit-3 is stopped, and kdeinit-4 is started.  Thereafter, the kde3 session 
> will be extremely confused and half-broken, but you can just execute 
> "kdeinit" in a konsole (not the konsole you used for kde4 compiling) to fix 
> it.
> Hmm, I seem to remember a fourth env variable to be set, but I am not 
> currently at my home box, so I can't check.  I'll post again if I think of 
> it.
> hope it helps,
> Jason
> On Wednesday 28 September 2005 05:20 am, Trenton Carr wrote:
> > Hello all
> >
> > I want to start porting KMathTool to kde4. Do I need svn HEAD to do this
> > or can I work in my KDE3.4.2? Dial-up will make HEAD tricky for me. If so
> > how do I go about it. I looked for some docs but found none.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Trenton
> -- 
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