[kde-edu]: forward message

Markus Büchele markus.buechele at web.de
Fri Sep 9 00:21:56 CEST 2005


I would like to suggest the implementation of an examination screen for KVocTrain.

I have been asking for this during the last two years or so but before Peter Hedlund's rewrite (thanks, Peter!) this seemed to have been very complicated.

As the rewrite seems to have been completed, I would like to ask for its implementation again. 

At my school four English teachers are using the programme with roughly 300-400 pupils. In addition, we have remastered a Knoppix-CD so that our pupils can study their vocabulary at home or on some of the computers at school. 

The final piece we are (desperately ;-) waiting for is the examination screen which we would like to use for vocabulary tests. As it will be included on the CD, our pupils will be able to practice under test conditions at home.

For those of you who are interested in having a look at our vocabulary file: you can find it on the KVoctrain home page. I will send an update with roughly 140 example sentences, 144 comparison forms and sample conjugations soon. Our short term plans are to add even more example sentences - especially for the easiest units so that pupils can get an idea of the words' context.

I append the qt-designer forms which could be used as a basis for development and a text file with its descriptions.

In case you consider working on this I will gladly answer your questions. Thanks.


kde-edu at kde.org schrieb am 08.09.05 02:20:55:
Any ideas? If yes, please CC to Juan Luis, thanks!



>From: "Juan Luis Baptiste" <juancho at linuxmail.org>
>To: annma at kde.org
>Subject: Developing edutaiment projects
>Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 18:31:39 -0300

Hi Anma,

I'm teaching a C++ class here in a University here in Colombia and we're 
Qt/KDE as development tools. I'm looking for projects for my students and I
thought that the Edu project might like some extra hands for a couple of
months :)

So, if you have some ideas for projects, please let me know ASAP.

Juan Luis Baptiste

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