[kde-edu]: Can't compile kdeedu because of kalzium solver

Jure Repinc jlp at holodeck1.com
Fri Nov 4 19:21:53 CET 2005

Carsten Niehaus wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 November 2005 20:17, Jure Repinc wrote:
>>But it also doesn't compile with normal make now that I have ocaml and
>>libfacile installed. Is there anything in the compile log that tells why
>>it doesn't compile even with make?
> Mmh, perhaps you did unsermake -f Makefile.cvs but compile with make so that 
> there is something wrong? 
> No idea, other than that....
> Carsten

I use this script to build modules:


logfile="/home/kdedev/src/kde/log/"$1"-"$(date +%Y%m%d)".log"
cd $moduledir
UNSERMAKE="no" make -f Makefile.cvs > $logfile 2>&1
if [ ! -d "$builddir" ]; then
if [ ! -d "/home/kdedev/src/kde/build/" ]; then
mkdir /home/kdedev/src/kde/build/
mkdir $builddir
cd $builddir
echo "Starting configuration..."
echo "Starting configuration..." >> $logfile 2>&1
$moduledir/configure --prefix=$installdir --enable-debug >> $logfile 2>&1
echo "Starting compilation..."
echo "Starting compilation..." >> $logfile 2>&1
make >> $logfile 2>&1
echo "Starting installation..."
echo "Starting installation..." >> $logfile 2>&1
make install >> $logfile 2>&1
kbuildsycoca --noincremental

I think that all looks OK here. And it also compiles kdevelop just fine 
which also needs to use make instead of unsermake.

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