[kde-edu]: KMathTool direction

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Mon Jul 4 19:27:03 CEST 2005


To be part of KDE, content should be under the GPL.
> I will also get clarification on the licencing of the content.

You can go ahead whatever FREE work you go with and whatever direction you 
take. The next question will be: will KMathTool be in kdeedu or in an 
If KMathTool main content is only accessible on start with an internet 
connection, KMathTool will then reduce its potential users.

However, not knowing all the software and standard you mention, I don't have a 
clear idea of what KMathTool is going to be.
I think that a precide roadmap of what you want to do would be nice as other 
developers would like to join and thus this could be done more quickly.



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