[kde-edu]: KMathTool Status="Blazing"

Master Maths m2george at telkomsa.net
Tue Feb 22 04:00:30 CET 2005

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 17:02:23 +0100, Birgit Schulz <schulz.b at gmx.de> wrote:

> may be the next weeks I have to stay at home, so I can help you a little  
> bit.
> Hmm ... I'm not that great artist but I know how to use some functions at
> different programms. What do you need?
> Birgit

Hi Birgit

I'll make a list tonight of all the art needed, I'm sending the list to  
Anna-Marie and I'll CC you also. If you have any idea's how to incorporate  
the wikidata, I'm all ears.



Master Maths George.
Postnet Suite #109                Tel: +27(0)44 873 4683
Private Bag X6590                         +27(0)82 871 6125
George                                           +27(0)82 821 0088

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