[kde-edu]: Fwd: Framework Webpage! Join the fun!

Henrique Pinto henrique.pinto at kdemail.net
Mon Feb 7 20:47:37 CET 2005

Em Seg 07 Fev 2005 15:11, CPH escreveu:
> Actually I'm interested to know why the kdeedu
> packages need kbuildsyscoca running and if they can be run without it (or
> would that improve the startup time ?)

That's not KDE-Edu apps directly, that's kdeinit. KBuildSyCoCa is run by 
kdeinit to make sure the system configuration cache (the SyCoCa) is 
up-to-date. If you run KDE, then kbuildsycoca is only run during startup and 
when some file that could change the system configuration is modified. If you 
run something else, then perhaps kbuildsycoca is run everytime a KDE app is 
started. By the way, kdeinit is a way to speed up startup of KDE apps 
(http://webcvs.kde.org/kdelibs/kinit/README). I'm not sure if it is possible 
to disable it.

 Henrique Pinto
 henrique.pinto at kdemail.net

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