[kde-edu]: KTurtle

Ivan Brasilico ivansb2003 at yahoo.com.br
Mon Apr 25 15:12:45 CEST 2005

Hello, everobody.

I'm new in this mailing list. I have interest in the
kde-edu project, specially in kturtle. I'd like to
begin contributing with this project. Specially
porting it to Brazilian Portuguese... Who is the
coordinator that could help me  beggining to interact
with the other developers of the project?


Ivan da Silva Brasílico
Santos-SP  Brasília-DF
(61) 412-7024
Jabber: ivan.brasilico at 12jabber.com 
Skype: ivansb2004
ICQ: 329410597
MSN:   ivan_brasilico at hotmail.com 
Wikipedia: ivansb
Conheça a wikipedia: http://pt.wikipedia.org 
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