[kde-edu]: kvoctrain: resetting levels

Marc Heyvaert marc_heyvaert at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 26 09:30:54 CET 2004


--- Peter Hedlund <peter at peterandlinda.com> wrote:

> > On the same subject. 'Not Queried Yet', 'Level 1',
> > 'Level 2', etc. are strings that are not
> translated in
> > the Dutch version of KVoctrain and they do not
> appear
> > as untranslated strings in KBabel. So there must
> be a
> > problem somewhere. If it's trivial I will not log
> it
> > as a bug.
> Are you sure about this? It's defined like this:
> #define KV_NORM_TEXT       I18N_NOOP("Not Queried
> Yet") in kvoctrainexpr.h
> and called like this: i18n(KV_NORM_TEXT) in
> StatistikPage.cpp
> but a lot of other strings are defined like that
> also, and as far as I know it 
> should work. Can you browse through the code and see
> if other strings using 
> the I18N_NOOP macro are not properly translated?

"Not Queried Yet" and "Level.." are the only
untranslated stings that I have encountered sofar. I'm
still on KDE 3.2.1 on this machine but I have checked
the different .po files (they can be found at
I have checked 3.2.1 and 3.3 releases  and all strings
are translated. I searched for the string "Not Queried
Yet", but it's not in the .po file. In the latest cvs
version there are some untranslated stings (which is
normal) but again no "Not Q..."

Checking the template (
) for this string was also negative.

As my versions of KDE and KVoctrain are not very
recent, perhaps someone else should try this. But it
seems that the strings are not extracted by the

I cc this message to Rinse Devries who coordinates the
nl GUI-translation effort.



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