[kde-edu]: kvoctrain: resetting levels

Marc Heyvaert marc_heyvaert at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 26 09:19:44 CET 2004


--- Peter Hedlund <peter at peterandlinda.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday 23 November 2004 02:31 am, Marc Heyvaert
> wrote:
> > There doesn't seem to be a way to reset the grades
> > (not queried yet, Level 1, 2 etc) globally. If I
> make
> > a vocabulary and test it and want to distribute it
> I
> > don't want to go though every word or expression
> to
> > reset this. Perhaps I'm overlooking something?
> > Otherwise I will log it as a wish.
> I haven't been able to look into this yet, but you
> are probably right. I 
> suggest filing a wish.

OK I will do this.


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