[kde-edu]: New lib for libkdeedu: KEduQuiz
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Sat May 22 17:04:13 CEST 2004
On Saturday 22 May 2004 08:28, Carsten Niehaus wrote:
> Moin moin
> I have rewritten the quiz-code for Kalzium and think that
> I can as well maintain it in kdeedu/libkdeedu/kdeeduquiz/
> so that other apps can as well use the code. I use
> XML to load/save the tasks. A Task has a question, a
> grade (1, 2 or 3) and at least 2 Answers of which at least
> one has to be true.
> I have a class Quiz which is like a "manual" for the game:
> it stores some settings/rules like how much time the
> player has to answer a task or how much points he gets.
> The other main class is called QuizMaster. That is something
> like a TV-Quizmaster: It controls the quiz, starts and ends it,
> decides if the player answered correctly and so on.
> The code is not yet completed but I hope make it work this
> evening. It is completly doxygen-documented.
> What do you think? If noone opposes I will commit it this
> evening (german time).
hmm, how does it compare with KWordQuiz quiz?
What you would need to know is
1) What progs use a quiz at the moment.
2) What do these authors say about your quiz versus theirs?
3) Alpha1 is tomorrow, features must be in the feature plan
(developer.kde.org) before 1st June, is there time for such an addition now?
Maybe having it in Kalzium at the moment and after in kdeedulib when we can
think about how it should be done would be wiser.
I'll be quite busy today (it's only 11 am here) so I am not sure I can follow
this further on today.
Ask other core developers in #kde-devel if you need better advise maybe.
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