[kde-edu]: Re: : KWordQuiz vs. FlashKard bugs/wishes

Helge Hielscher hhielscher at unternehmen.com
Thu May 6 18:56:11 CEST 2004

On Thu, 06 May 2004 08:36:00 -0700, Peter Hedlund wrote:
> Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
>   >>8. http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79785 Suggestion: Automatic
>>>keyboard layout switching
>>>This is high priority request. WordQuiz has this feature and I want to
>>>do it in KWordQuiz and KVoctrain. Would it be OK to have a dependency on
>>>kxkb in kdebase or do I have to write my own implementation?
>> I don't see what you want to do in fact. What does 'automatic' mean please?
>> Having a dependency on kdebase might just be bad for non-kde potential users.
>> I don't see it as a major problem, maybe others can speak about that when you 
>> explain what you have in mind.
> What I want to do is the following: In both KWordQuiz and KVocTrain it 
> should be possible to assign a specific keyboard layout for each column. 
> That means that when the selection/current cell moves from one column to 
> another the program would automatically switch to the assigned layout.
> I have just started to look into it, but I was thinking of only making 
> this option available if the user has activated keyboard layouts in the 
> Control Center and then only present a list of already activated layouts 
>   instead of all alyouts available on the system. That is something 
> similar to what kxkb does in the system tray.
> But you are right, it should be possible to run a KDE program outside a 
> KDE session. The kxkb code is not very large and I probably only need 
> parts of it, so it might be simpler to write my own implementation

I guess not using kxkb would be confusing for the user when kxkb shows
one flag/layout, but KWordQuiz is using another.


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