[kde-edu]: Contributing to kde

Alessio Maria Braccin ale.braccini at tiscali.it
Tue Mar 30 00:01:59 CEST 2004

Hi to all,

i'm new here. If any of you is subscribed to the kde-quality mailing list 
maybe you've read my message about my will to contribute to kde and to start 
from these quality teams. I was suggested to chose a component inside kde and 
then subscribe to the relative mailing list: so here i am.
Is there any task list ready for kde-edu? Someone on the kde-quality mailing 
list suggested me to have a look to the bug database of three apps of kde-edu 
(kiten, ktouch and kvoctrain) just to see if these bugs are still present and 
to add comments or explanation. What do you think, how can i help you?
Let me know, and if i can i will do my best.


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