[kde-edu]: can I help

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Fri Mar 26 21:22:50 CET 2004

Hi Trenton,

There are quite a few math-related programs in KDE-Edu.  I'm sure the 
maintainers would welcome your contributions.

KBruch, a program for learning fraction arithmetic.  http://edu.kde.edu/kbruch

KPercentage, a program for learning how to compute percentages.  

Kig, a geometry explorer: http://edu.kde.org/kig/

KMPlot, a graphical function plotter:  http://edu.kde.org/ 

KMathTool is an ambitious math instruction tool, covering mathematical 
functions and geometry:  http://edu.kde.org/kmathtool/
(KMathTool is only available from CVS, in module kdeedu)

KMathProf is a "mental arithmetic" program; kind of a flashcard trainer for 
simple arithmetic problems, such as "12 + __ = 18": 
(KMathProf is only available from CVS, in module kdenonbeta/kmathprof)

Did I miss any? :)

KStars: KDE Desktop Planetarium

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