[kde-edu]: Flashcard and Vocabulary programs

Peter Hedlund peter at peterandlinda.com
Sun Feb 8 21:49:27 CET 2004

> Well, for my uses FlashKard was pretty much feature complete shortly after
> it went into CVS -- that's largely why there hasn't been much work on it.

Yes, I understand that this is the case and that it was your intention.

> In the time since then I've become a bit over-comitted so I don't mind
> someone else picking up where I left off.

OK, good.

> *) Any program that replaces FlashKard should provide at least the features
> that it does (i.e. so that we won't have users complaining about it going
> away)


> *) It should be able to use (if it doesn't default to) the shared file
> format that KVocTrain and FlashKard use.

Absolutely, KWordQuiz defaults to this file format. The file reading and 
writing code is based on your code.

> *) It should not be specific to just studying languages.


> *) It should be relatively simple in the interface -- FlashKard never had
> aspirations to be a KVocTrain replacement; that's simply more comprehensive
> and as such confusing than FlashKard.

If there is a decision to use KWordQuiz my ambition will be to keep it that 

> I don't mind if FlashKard in its current form goes away (and in fact would
> encourage it to in the case that another similar app is imported to kdeedu)
> but I would like for there to be some continuity for users.

Based on this I propose that KWordQuiz replaces FlashKard. That will give me 
an incentive to work on it as well as on KVocTrain and if needed and time 
permitting the rest of the kdeedu module.


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