[kde-edu]: KNewStuff HOWTO?

Sebastian Stein s5228 at informatik.htw-dresden.de
Thu Apr 15 16:40:01 CEST 2004

annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr <annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr> [040415 16:29]:
> In the code, I add a class KHNewStuff which derives from KNewStuff. An instance
> of KHNewStuff is called when the File->Get New Language action is clicked.
> This KHNewStuff class will install my data (for me it untars the files and put
> them in ~/.kde/share/apps/khangman/data)

But you ask the user before making an internet connection, don't you? (At the
moment I'm short of time so I can't look at the code myself, sorry!)

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