[kde-edu]: TODO Lists on future edu.kde.org
Dominique Devriese
22 Mar 2003 16:18:58 +0100
Matthias Me writes:
Matthias> Hi all! I added a dynamic updated collection of TODO
Matthias> lists on the "Applications Feature Plans"[1] page. It
Matthias> looks for "todo.inc" files in all applications folders, so
Matthias> that developer can easily maintain their TODO list in
Matthias> their "own" folder, and we will take care of presenting it
Matthias> on the page[1].
In case anyone's interested, I wrote a small perl script to generate a
todo.inc from a regular TODO file. It's in
kdeedu/kig/generate_todo_inc.pl. It relies on the format being in the
form of
* item
- subitem
- subitem
* next item
- ...
* ...
Don't feed the bats tonight.