[kde-edu]: Two Items
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 22:54:32 +0100
Hello Annma, hello everybody,
> As a general answer, if anyone has some suggestions for the website, then
> send them to me, I would be glad to hear about what you want to find here,
> what you expect, what you like,...
I think the contents of the website is alright. It presents our programs and
this will be the main task.
When I read your mail first I thought that a manifesto would be interesting.
Something that defines exactly what kind of software we want do to. But I
think that we have very different programs, with different intentions and for
different ages. And I think it isn't necesary to make them all equal.
But maybe it would be interesting to have a document for each program which
explains the intention of the program and a kind of didactical idea behind
it. But this would be a task for the authors of the programs.
> >b) two more educational tools worth looking at for inspiration,
> >just come across a fine looking Macintosh flash-card tool that would be
> >excellent to have on KDE http://www.foolsworkshop.com/fw.html and a
I think there is already a flash card program in the KDE edu software.