KDE Connect doesn't work anymore (Android / Linux)

Josep M. Ferrer txemaq at saragata.net
Tue May 28 11:16:38 BST 2024

El 27/5/24 a les 23:21, Gloria ha escrit:
> Hi. I'm not a developer but i wanted you to know that i deeply miss 
> KDE Connect functionality. It's been a few months since it stopped 
> working on every device I installed (Debian Linux and Android App in 
> two different phone models).
> Somehow, I'm able to see connected devices but I can't reach them or 
> share any data. I don't know if this could be related to a 
> misconfiguration in my wifi router or a conflict between versions.
> If there's any troubleshooting page or wiki I could access with 
> orientation, I would really appreciate it.
> Thank you very much. I hope you can help me to resolve this issue 
> because i really find this development useful
> -- 
> Atte.
> Gloria S. Alvarez A.
> Productora Nacional Independiente N° 24.528

This mailing list is "For people writing documentation for KDE".

There is a page for this app (https://kdeconnect.kde.org/) where you 
will find a User Support section with some answers to your question.

Hope this helps,

Josep M. Ferrer
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