Remove Pursuivant from the KDE Documentation room

Thiago Masato Costa Sueto herzenschein at
Sun Jan 21 18:13:07 GMT 2024

Hi, I'd like to have Pursuivant removed from the Matrix/IRC KDE
Documentation room.

The room should be used for discussion and onboarding. In its current
state, the group is flooded with information about commits, and most
attempts of users trying to start new discussions get immediately pushed
back in the chat history in a matter of minutes or hours, often left unseen
or responded to. I've seen this happen for years already. All this does is
cause users to think "oh, whatever I say will just be pushed back in the
chat :(" or "oh, this is for checking commits, not for talking" once they
join. It is not a group I can recommend for onboarding contributors right

I understand that Pursuivant can be tailored to be less verbose or post
less than it currently does, but unlike groups like Kirigami which have a
single repository attached to them, the commit information provided by
Pursuivant comes from all places where people touch docs. I personally
think this behavior is fine and should stay that way (one could argue that
the fact it is legitimately useful implies a different issue, but that's
out of scope here). It should just be moved to some other place.

Relegating it to a separate mailing list or to a separate Matrix channel
should be enough. This way, viewing doc commit information from everywhere
is *opt-in*.

(Personally, I'd also like for it to be opt-in on the mailing list side too
(a.k.a. having a separate mailing list for this instead of artificially
increasing the traffic of kde-doc-english with non-discussions), but that's
something for another day and another thread.)

I believe the reason why we still have it in the room is mostly because
nobody made a formal complaint about it (most likely because most people
would just leave or talk elsewhere) and because historically the kde-docs
group was heavily IRC focused (where chat is ephemeral and there's no chat
history without a bouncer or some other software), but it simply does not
work well when the chat history feature exists (as is the case with Matrix).

Thanks in advance,
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