Print filled forms

Yuri Chornoivan yurchor at
Thu Feb 11 14:30:10 GMT 2021

четвер, 11 лютого 2021 р. 16:18:51 EET Norbert Lederbauer написано:
> I've got sent a form from the university Innsbruck to fill it and to
> sign. As I don't have a digital signature I have to print the form and
> to sign by hand, then to scan it and to send back.
> Problem:
> I can see the filled form  but I can't print it.
> Solution?
> N.Lederbauer


I guess it's all about Okular.

You can use Inkscape to import PDF then fill the form and overlay it with the 
scanned (or better captured with your phone) signature (use GIMP to get rid of 
background, "Color -> Transform -> Replace color" + color picker for "From 
color"). Then save it as TIFF or JPG (File -> Export) and send it back.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

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