Enhancement req. Kate. Color coding of code sections

Per Funke per.funke at gmail.com
Wed Dec 29 12:58:23 GMT 2021

I've experienced a wish for  optionally setting the background color
differently for different code sections (in washed out colors).
When you go back to old[e] code (and perhaps even new) to try to get a
grip on where a sections start and end, looking for something
particular, background colors could make it easier/faster to limit the
search, areawise.
The coloring could exist in the mini-map or in the code itself, the
main idea however, is that I can set it myself. It would be sufficient
having two available colors resulting in a sort of pajamas effect.

Another way would be to mark these areas with some Kate specific
symbol and choosing "View ..." to make it appear. Or perhaps not.

Begin: how to catch fish   [in light blue]
...400 lines of code..
End how to catch

Begin: how to fillet fish     [in light red] or [standard background]
...500 lines of code...
END: how to fillet

I'm just  throwing the idea up in the air. Do what you like with it.
Have a nice day!

Per Funke

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