[kde-doc-english] Re: Revocation Certificates??

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Sun Jul 31 20:05:44 CEST 2011

Am Samstag, 30. Juli 2011, 17:33:22 schrieb Rolf Eike Beer:
> Ok, I would commit the following text early next week if there aren't any
> better proposals:
> A key pair that has expired can be brought back into an operational state
> as long as you have access to the private key and the passphrase. To
> reliably render a key unusable you need to revoke it. Revoking is done by
> adding a special revokation signature to the key.
> These revokation signature can be created together with the key. In this
> case it is stored in a separate file. This file can later be imported into
> the keyring and is then attached to the key rendering it unusable. Please
> note that to import this signature to the key no password is required.
> Therefore you should store this revokation signature in a safe place,
> usually one that is different from you key pair. It is a good advise to
> use a place that is detached from your computer, either copy it to an
> external storage device like an USB stick or print it out.
> If you have not created such a detached revokation on key creation you can
> create such a revokation signature at any time choosing Key -> Revoke key
> ***, optionally importing it to your keyring immediately.
> *** Currently this item is only available in the context menu. I'll move
> this from the context menu to the key menu for 4.7.1. The context menu
> should provide shortcuts to the often used items. Revoking a key is
> seldomly used (if at all) so it has no reason to be in the context menu at
> all.
Hi Eike, 
sounds ok to me please commit asap + cc kde-doc-english.


Burkhard Lück

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