[kde-doc-english] Sugestion...

RriveraP ramonr at sierra.scu.sld.cu
Fri Jul 15 17:58:28 CEST 2011

Good morning.
I am a PCLinuxOS user and my opinion about this distribution can not be 
I like PCLinuxOS, it is nice  confortable, easy but I have somthing 
against it.
My mother language is spanish and my friends with PCLinuxOS in comon and 
I both we think that ths distribution could be much better if exist 
version completely in spanish.
There are a lot of PC no conected to any network thus it is imposible 
install languages packs.
I am sure Free Softwares especialy Linux would be much better than 
windows but it is necesary to avoid the idiom wall.
I also sugest you that repositories should be lighter.
I would like you to answer this message, it make feel part of the team.
Thank you all.
PCLinuxOS user


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