[kde-doc-english] KDE4 : I don't understand the reason...

Georges Louge georges.louge at free.fr
Wed May 12 15:23:10 CEST 2010


  At first, I hope my English is understandable : I am french, 80 years old, 
and I learned english a long time ago in the north of occupied France during 
War World II... Moreover, I use Linux since 1997 (RedHat Powertools 4.1 !).

  I notice with pleasure that the new KDE programmers have excellent ideas, 
but sometimes I regret very strange initiatives. 

  For exemple, a few days ago, it was possible to show different time zones 
without any click, just when the mouse pointer was on the hour indication of 
the panel. It was very simple and useful. But today, after an update, that 
interesting possibility (and a few other ones) vanished without any 
  Why that ???

 Another exemple : at the address : 
there are, for different countries, near 60 holiday files which are used by  
"korganizer". Many years ago, I discovered them by myself and I modified  
these files for my own purpose : I found it very useful to remember personnal 
or general anniversaries in "korganizer". A few days ago, it was also possible 
to display them on the panel, just by pointing the mouse (without clicking) on 
the dates surrounded in red. 
  To day, it's no more possible. Why ???

  I noticed some other regrettable decisions of that kind. Why ???

  Thank you for your patient attention !

Georges Louge - Juan-les-Pins (France)



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