[kde-doc-english] Manual configuring kdm - chapter 4

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 20 11:26:19 CET 2009

On Thursday 19 November 2009 22:49:32 Christian Müller wrote:
> Dear Doc team,
> first of all thanks for your work. You did and do a great job. Just one
>  remark: Currently I deal with the issue of auto-login in Kubuntu 9.10.
>  Unfortunately it doesn't work, probably due to a encryption of my
>  partition (which was recommended during the installation). Could you
>  please provide this information in the manual? Following some discussions
>  there is apparently a relation between encryption and auto-login. In my
>  case there is always an error message when I boot and I have to login
>  manually.
Isn't this a bit illogical?  The purpose of encryption is to stop intruders 
from gaining access to your system.  If you use autologin, anyone who presses 
the On button has access.  Surely the two are totally incompatible?

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