[kde-doc-english] Screen capturing

Bram Biesbrouck b at beligum.org
Wed Sep 6 14:47:37 CEST 2006

Hi all,

Yesterday, I've had an interesting chat on #kde-doc regarding the use of my 
fairly new KDE screen-capturing program, ScreenKast. I've been trying to 
spread the word around that there's a KDE screen-capturing program for the 
past summer, but apparently, not very good, since a lot of people haven't 
heard about it yet.

ScreenKast is only one part of the mirror, because I also created 
http://captorials.com, which is, together with ScreenKast, part of a larger 
project, called Instrudeo. The philosophy of 'Project Instrudeo' is to create 
an easy framework for community videohelpdesking; someone contacts you with a 
computer-problem, you answer with a screen-captured video, all with a few 

The people at #kde-doc (and #ubuntu-doc) were very excited with the concept 
and suggested to do more with it.

More information can be found at:

I'd love to hear you reactions.


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