[kde-doc-english] Join the Documentation Team

Sander Koning sanderkoning at kde.nl
Tue Nov 14 20:40:00 CET 2006

> Great to hear that you're interested in helping out with documentation! In 
> terms of things to work on, we won't "assign" you something that you have to 
> do - you're free to work on what you like, but we can give you some 
> suggestions. If none of those suggestions sound interesting, just say so, and 
> we'll look for something else (there's plenty to work on, so we won't run out 
> of things to suggest!).

Hmm, forgot to mention. I have already have contact with Pranava about KWord and
pointed out the IRC channel.

Sander Koning  (askie)   |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
KDE Nederland            |   http://www.kde.nl/
KOffice & Krita          |   http://koffice.org/  &  http://koffice.org/krita/
KDE documentation        |   http://docs.kde.org/

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