[kde-doc-english] problem to generate the language docbooks for kdebase/kdeprint

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at chch.ox.ac.uk
Fri Mar 31 13:15:46 CEST 2006

On Friday 31 March 2006 11:05 am, Burkhard Lück wrote:
> Hi,
> the svn commit 524051 on 29.03.2006 to
> branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/doc/kdeprint (during the message freeze!) makes it
> impossible to generate laguage docbooks for kdeprint.
> There are some errors in this commit (e.g. replacing
> "<email>kpfeifle at danka.de</email>" with
> "<email>&Kurt.Pfeifle.mail;</email>"), which have to be fixed anyway, so I
> propose this solution for the problem:
> 1. revert the commit
> 2. mail the translators on kde-i18n-doc at kde.org and explain why to update
> l10n/documentation/kdebase/kdeprint before they try to generate the
> language docbook
> 3. fix the errors in the docbook and commit to trunk
> 4. backport to stable, when we hopefully have another docmessage unfreeze.

This sounds fine from a docs point of view - the commit should have gone into 
trunk instead of branch. Assuming it's fine with the translators, I think we 
should go ahead with it.

KDE Documentation Team: http://i18n.kde.org/doc
KDE Documentation Online: http://docs.kde.org
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