[kde-doc-english] Update on the KDE DocBook Sanitizer

Frerich Raabe raabe at kde.org
Fri Sep 23 04:32:32 CEST 2005

On 2005-09-22 23:42:12, "Carlos Leonhard Woelz" <carloswoelz () imap-mail ! 
com> wrote:
> Could you please apply my patch to the preferred words list? There were
> no replies to it, therefore it must be right :) Seriously, the complains
> about the to-dos and it are *wrong*. "Todo" is not the recommended form,
> it is the other way around. I the trouble to search the source code and
> docs and made many replacements.

Oh, I totally forgot about that, sorry. I applied your patch now. I should 
have noted that I'm not subscribed to this mailinglist, I onyl check for 
replies every now and then via lists.kde.org.

> It is the third time I talk about it in this list. Unless someone voices
> an objection, please apply my patch.

The HIG folks probably still have the final word, but since I have no opinion, 
you do have one, and nobody else complained, I applied your patch now.

> Also, I don't know if we should really use entities between
> <guisomething> tags. if someone could comment on this I would
> appreciate.

I think you are right, and for what it's worth I had this item in my THOUGHTS 
file for a few months now. I thought about it some more and now made it not 
do any replacements within any of the following tags:

<keyword>, <guilabel>, <guibutton>, <guimenu>, <guisubmenu>, <guimenuitem>, 

Please let me know when you disagree with this set and think 
additions/removals of such exceptions are justified.

Thank you a lot for your feedback, I really appreciate it!

- Frerich
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