[kde-doc-english] KPatience

Carlos Leonhard Woelz carloswoelz at imap-mail.com
Fri Sep 16 16:35:34 CEST 2005

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:51:17 +0200, "Peter Vel"
> Hi,

Hi Peter,
> I'd like to contribute by rewriting the documentation for the KDE cards 
> game, KPatience.

Great, there is still time to get your changes in the english docs of
KDE 3.5.

> The english currently used is a bit shaky, so I felt I would improve it.
> What tools/files do I need to get started doing so, and where do I get
> them?
Well, there are two main ways to help out. 

- Editing the docbook source: docbook is not too hard, especially if you
are editing a document, and not starting from scratch.

- Plain text: submit your changes in plain text, and someone else will
do the conversion to docbook.

Now, if you plan to edit the docbook source, you must get the latest
document. An easy way to do that is to use the websvn.kde.org website:


As a tool for editing docbook, I personaly use Quanta, and wrote a small
tutorial on how to get the best out of it. Please note that you need at
least Quanta 3.4 for all docbook features to work:


We try to provide the best support we can to new contributors like
yourself. With that in mind, we wrote the documentation primer, a one
stop location for all your doubts. There, you can find the information I
just wrote you and much more. The best part, you can integrate it in
Quanta for offline use!



Carlos Woelz

PS: I wanated to link the on line version, but i18n.kde.org is not
online, and http://docs.kde.org/team/doc-primer/index.html does not

PS2: I see that (just like kpat docs) a lot of docs were commited to the
3.5 branch and not trunk. Let's remember to sync them after the release.


Carlos Woelz

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