[kde-doc-english] Re: Google summer of code documentation project

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Fri Jun 3 23:56:28 CEST 2005

On Friday 03 June 2005 19:10, Philip Rodrigues wrote:
> * KOffice: The KOffice suite is large and featureful, and always in
> need of more writers. I'll leave Mike and Raphael to suggest
> particular areas which could do with help, but if you're interested
> in working on KOffice, we can put you in touch.

I just started a discussion on the KOffice list about possible 
projects, so far we also have three documentation projects:

* KOffice code design (Developer handbook / cookbook)

* A tutorial that walks you through all components (guided tour)

* Full API documentation for koffice (at least core) libraries

Not much has been decided which projects are actually available, but 
in case anyone is interested, feel free to say so (to be save, please 
cc the koffice-devel at kde.org mailinglist).

I would offer to mentor the cookbook and the API documentation. Also, 
if needed, the tutorial for all KOffice components (depending on 
interest in this, or if anyone else would mentor it).

Raphael Langerhorst

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