[kde-doc-english] Documentation feedback

Full Decent fulldecent at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 18:13:07 CET 2005

Forgive me if this is the wrong destination for this proposal...

I am proposing the idea that all documentation for KDE projects and on
all KDE websites include links to provide online feedback on that

At a minimum, it will very useful to see at the bottom of each page:

-- Was this information helpful?
--   Yes
--   No

Many other sites do this now... but we should also do the following if
the user clicks on No:

-- Please tell us what was wrong with the documentation:
--   It was not thorough
--   It did not apply to me
--   It is outdated
--   It was inaccurate
-- If you like, you can provide additional feedback by clicking here:
--   [Link to feedback form online]

This should apply to any documentation saved in the docbook format,
also websites like this: 
http://women.kde.org/articles/tutorials/kdevelop3/ I'm not sure if
that webpage was translated from DocBook, nonetheless it should allow
feedback. The feedback form online would link somewhere like;


Internet conectivity, what if they don't have it?
When the user clicks on yes or no, or subsequenly "It was not
thorough", etc, there should be a background process that "queues up"
these responses. This daemon will save the response data to a file.
The next time there is internet connectivity, it should use curl or
something and request URL's like:


Do you think this method provide valuable feedback for the
documentation project? Do you think this would be technically feasible
to implement?

Thanks for keeping KDE user-friendly,
Will Entriken

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