[kde-doc-english] Job

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at chch.ox.ac.uk
Thu Apr 14 01:07:43 CEST 2005

Hi Jeremy,

> I'm interested in contributing to the KDE team. This seems like a good
> place to start.
> Shoot me an e-mail, let me know what I can do.

I'll mostly just reiterate what Brad said, but hopefully it will help:
There are a few main areas that we work on. If you tell us which one you'd 
like to help with, we can narrow it down further and help you to get started.

1. Writing application handbooks: Each KDE application has (or should have) a 
handbook describing the basics of working with the app, and preferably, a 
full reference of the application's features. We write (many of) them :-)

2. Writing general KDE documentation: We have a couple of documents that 
describe KDE in more general terms, such as the User Guide. The style of 
writing needed for these is slightly different to app handbooks; it's more of 
an overview, and doesn't need to document every feature, for example.

3. Proofreading: If you're a confident user of English and have an eye for 
detail, you can help with proofreading. We also want to do some work 
standardizing language across documentation, with the help of some scripts 
(and human intervention!).

4. Technical stuff. The documentation toolchain is based on DocBook XML, so if 
you're at all familiar with XML (or would like to become familiar...), you 
can probably help here. Also, if you're familiar with LaTeX, you might like 
to help with the PDF generation that we're working on.

> FYI webcvs.kde.org is not working.

This is a known problem, although it seems that no-one knows when it will be 
fixed. You can find an alternative webcvs at apelsin.fruitsalad.org .

Oh, one final thing - please keep in touch, and don't feel that you have to 
work everything out yourself, or only show us your work when you've got a 
completed handbook ready: we're happy to take any questions that you have, 
either here on the list or on IRC[1].

Looking forward to working with you,

[1] #kde-docs on irc.freenode.net, where I'm PhilRod and most other people 
have obvious nicknames :-)
KDE Documentation Team: http://i18n.kde.org/doc
KDE Documentation Online: http://docs.kde.org
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