[kde-doc-english] I would like to assist with documenting the K3b program.

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at chch.ox.ac.uk
Mon Apr 4 13:16:29 CEST 2005

Hi Kevin,

>    I have used the K3b program and have found it needing more
> documentation than what is included with the program. I filed a bug
> against the K3b project regarding the documentation and the developers
> requested I send in either plain text or DocBook documentation. Since
> I wanted to include screen shots I chose the DocBook format and have
> been busy learning it and doing more research on KDE documentation. I
> feel that I have enough knowledge of DocBook to get started on
> documenting this program. I have some DocBook specific questions that
> I would like to ask but I thought that I should introduce myself
> before going any further.
>    Please let me know what I need to do create documentation for the
> K3b project.

Great to hear that you're thinking of working on KDE docs. The main resources 
that you might find useful are:

o  This list - it's quite low traffic, so it's worth subscribing to 

o The #kde-docs IRC channel on irc.freenode.net

o The Documentation Primer at http://i18n.kde.org/doc/doc-primer/ .

I noticed on your bug report (http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=100839) that 
someone has already offered to add markup to your content, so the following 
is perhaps a little redundant, but: Please don't feel obliged to learn 
DocBook fully or completely before starting writing. We have  several writers 
on the team who can quickly add the necessary markup if you can provide the 

Of course, if you've spent the time to learn some DocBook, that's great, and I 
wouldn't want to discourage you from using it. Just don't worry at this stage 
if you don't know the tags for everything :-)

As for the content, you seem to have hit on the thing I was going to suggest, 
which was to start with step-by-step "how to" guides to the standard tasks 
(burning a CD, burning an ISO, etc), and later move on to "reference" 
material if you have time. Something else you might like to consider would be 
a troubleshooting guide giving general steps towards troubleshooting k3b 

I hope that helps - if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to 


KDE Documentation Team: http://i18n.kde.org/doc
KDE Documentation Online: http://docs.kde.org
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