[kde-doc-english] Plans for FAQ

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at chch.ox.ac.uk
Sat Sep 4 23:23:57 CEST 2004

At aKademy we floated some ideas for the future of the KDE FAQ, which 
currently lives in kdebase/doc/faq (or kdebase/doc/khelpcenter/faq if you're 
using a pre-aKademy CVS checkout).

As well as needing a big general update to the FAQ, it was suggested to 
discontinue distributing it as part of a package, since it's quite 
out-of-date. Instead, we would have just an online version, which would mean 
that everyone has access to the latest version (regardless of what version of 
KDE they're running).

Technically, there could be some problems, since we want to keep the FAQ 
translatable, and available on docs.kde.org. If these problems are solved, 
does anyone object to the plan above?

KDE Documentation Team: http://i18n.kde.org/doc
Online KDE Documentation: http://docs.kde.org
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