[kde-doc-english] using alternative stylesheets

Marc Heyvaert marc_heyvaert at yahoo.com
Mon May 3 09:09:35 CEST 2004


I tried using meinproc with an alternative stylesheet.
(kde-nochunk.xsl - "Creates a simplified layout,
without banner graphics, and all in one page. This is
suitable for processing further with html2pdf for
printable output, as an interim solution until we have
a reliable print output mechanism. It should also
print fairly nicely directly from a web browser.")

It didn't work.

the command I used was 

meinproc --stylesheet
path/where/the/sheet/is/kde-nochunk.xsl index.docbook

I got a very simple error message that left no clues
(something like 'couldn't ...' sorry I forgot the
line, but it didn't contain info about the possible

I also tried copying the stylesheet to the same dir as
my index.docbook file => still no result.

Could this be the reason?

"The styles targetted for websites expect a common/
directory in the same level as that containing the
HTML pages, which should hold the contents of



During my experiment I managed to replace my
index.docbook file by an empty file!!? Luckily my
editor makes backupfiles automatically. So I was able
to recover from this problem with minimal loss of
data. But it indicates a problem with mainproc IMO. I
regret that I can't really tell at what stage exactly
of my tries this happened.

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