[kde-doc-english] Entities in Kleopatra

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Wed Aug 11 13:10:06 CEST 2004

Le mercredi 11 Août 2004 12:08, Frederik Fouvry a écrit :
> Given that the internal communication in KDE applications, such
> as to build up the menus, is done in XML, it should be possible
> to grab that and to output (it into an xslt style sheet that
> generates) DocBook for the menus.  Gone would be the double
> translation effort for menus, and probably also the need to use
> entities ...  I just don't know _how_ to do it.

Your idea is ambitious, but that would really be a huge benefit:

The consistency between user interface and documentation would be 
automatically ensured.

It would spare the translation teams a lot, lot, lot of translation work and 
verification work and remove a lot, lot, lot of inconsistencies between 
documentation and user interface.

(veste en coton achetée au Québec - 2001)

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