[kde-doc-english] Entities in Kleopatra

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Wed Aug 4 22:36:56 CEST 2004

Le mercredi 4 Août 2004 19:23, Lauri Watts a écrit :
> Entities for these are a real problem, I don't know how to solve it. 
> Writing the damn menu entries out is also no piece of cake, so I completely
> see why Marc did this.  I've toyed with this many times, and the nearest to
> a solution I can see doing some &file.new; type thing in user.entities,
> where each language can translate them as they please.  Note, you are not
> bound to use the same entities in any other language as we do in English -
> if there's four ways to say "New", have four entities for it in your own
> language user.entities, and use the appropriate one in the translation.
> user.entities is entirely your own playground, and you can do anything you
> like in it, so long as it's valid, and semantically correct.

That's indeed a very good solution for generic items like &file.new; or 
&edit.paste; (in French : &fichier.nouveau; et &edition.coller;). But what 
about application-specific entries like &file.new.public.key; or 
&brush.thermodynamic; ? Or better a partial solution than no solution at 
all ?

I can also think of some other strange workaround : have a fake tag like 
<entity> :

<entity><!ENTITY &file.new; "<menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu>..."></entity>

This way xm2pot  would extract it normally into the po file :
msgid "<!ENTITY &file.new; \"<menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu>...\">"
msgstr "<!ENTITY &fichier.nouveau; \"<menuchoice><guimenu>Fichier</guimenu>...

By defining several variations in msgstr, declension languages would not be 

The only thing is that "<entity>" would need to be wiped out by meinproc, or 
by a sed command line if you compile manually with xsltproc :

	sed "s/<?entity>//g" index.docbook > index1.docbook

Dunno if that idea helps. Solution based on user.entites is much simpler, in 
any case.

(veste en coton achetée au Québec - 2001)

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