[kde-doc-english]kde guide for Windows users

Fabrice Mous fabricemous at xs4all.nl
Sat May 17 20:13:40 CEST 2003

On Friday 09 May 2003 17:58, Lauri Watts wrote:
| On Friday 09 May 2003 16.55, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
| > Hi
| >
| > I feel that there is a need for a guide specifically
| > meant for users who have migrated from Windows or
| > checking out what KDE offers for them
| >
| > this would be different from the general purpose guide
| > by answering questions many new migrants would ask
| > like
| >
| > where is my computer?
| > does kde have a calculator?
| > how do i use and format a floppy
| > and so on
| >
| > is such a guide necessary?
| > available?
| Some of this content is covered in the Quick Start Guide.  A more specific
| 'KDE for ex Windows Users' might certainly be useful.
| I imagine it more as a quick reference, lots of short answers to questions
| and referring (linking) on to existing documentation, since most of this
| ground is well covered in various application manuals, it's just not
| gathered in one place.  Perhaps as a new section for the FAQ?  Or a new FAQ
| style document entirely?
| Of course, if you have other ideas how it should be, that's fine too, I'm
| just musing.
| > can i write one?
| Absolutely!
| I've sent you separately some getting started information.
| Regards,

I've been thinking about the same. But I think there is already some stuff 
avaible to use. Also a lot of people already wrote quite some stuff about kde 
daily usage (read: usermanual-stuff)

Look at http://linuxpip.org/ for the FDL-book "Linux in the workplace"
Would be nice to have that updated and also some images included. 

Also I write some kde howtos for a dutch speaking website. I plan to do some 
translations to english but I need someone to do the proofreading for me. 

These kde-howtos tend to discuss the usage of KMail with Hotmail/Gotmail and 
Spamassasin. But also "howto rip an audiocd". Also I wrote a tutorial about 
the usage of kgpg and also some other small stuff.

This can be found on our humble little dutch website:

Is there a way to get this sort of stuff in a central place ... say ... KDE 
CVS. When you have all of these howtos combined my guess is that you have a 
pretty complete user manual. 

Anyway ... talking is easy, but if there are any plans of doing this then I 
will help to write and collect some howtos. 

Please your opinion on this matter ... 


Fabrice Mous
fabricemous at xs4all.nl
fabrice at kde.nl ~~ http://www.kde.nl
vosberg at suse ~~ http://www.vosberg.be

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