[kde-doc-english]Re: KDM distant connections

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Fri Feb 28 11:18:38 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

Le Friday 28 February 2003 11:00, BOSSU Yves a écrit:
> The commentaries in Xaccess are almost self-explanatory. It can be a good
> base for a documentation inserted in the KDE doc.

OK. However I think it could be nice if you described precisely what you 
attempted to do (which machine is the server, which machines are the clients, 
where does KDM run, what should appear on the users' screen, etc) so we can 
make the explanations as practical and as less theoretical as possible.

Don't post that information on this list please, someone will contact you, I 

> In kcontrol, the mapping between the Xacess items and graphical widgets is
> almost obvious.

I did not see it then. To be checked.

> My need was basic : authorize all hosts to connect on kdm. I had only to
> un-comment the corresponding line in Xaccess.
> A simple button "authorize all hosts to connect" is enough.
> The other lines in Xaccess (chosser configuration) could be graphically
> parametrable in an "advance menu".

The problem is that kde-doc-english is a list dedicated only to documentation 

Would you mind putting these valuable suggestions into a bug report against 
KControl or KDM ? It's very easy. Address is at http://bugs.kde.org.

Thanks a lot for your cooperation.

- -- 
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